3D Mammography
To schedule an appointment, please call Mat-Su Regional Medical Center at (907) 861-6677.
Breast Imaging
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women. Mat-Su Regional Medical Center provides services to educate women on breast health, and encourage self-exams and routine screenings. We use imaging technology that may detect breast cancer at the earliest stages - when treatment can be most effective - including 3D digital mammography. The combination of skilled, caring staff and advanced technology empowers Mat-Su Regional Medical Center to deliver quality care.
A good analogy for 3D mammography is like pages in a book. Look at the cover and you cannot see all of the pages. Open it up and you can go through the entire book page by page to see everything between the covers. 3D mammography shows the radiologist all of the pages in the book, and it provides improved visibility of breast tissue which may:
- Increase early detection of invasive cancers compared to 2D digital mammography alone
- Decrease the need for a "call back" or a second look, which decreases cost and patient anxiety
Low X-ray energy is used during the screening so radiation exposure is below the FDA guidelines and is the equivalent to current 2D mammograms.
Who Should have a 3D Mammogram?
Guidelines are the same as for mammography in general: yearly mammograms starting at age 40, and if older than 75, the benefits should be discussed with your physician. If you are 40 years of age or younger, you will need an order from your physician for a screening or diagnostic mammogram.
What to Expect
A 3D mammogram is similar to a traditional mammogram. The technologist positions you, compresses your breast under a paddle and takes images from different angles. There is no additional compression required with 3D mammography and it only takes a few seconds longer for each view.
The technologist reviews the images right at the workstation to ensure the images are adequate for the radiologist to review. Your results will be interpreted by a radiologist. We use computer aided detection (CAD), which is like a second set of eyes that looks at your mammogram. The report is sent to your referring physician, who can discuss the results with you. If there is an abnormality, we will talk with you and your family before you leave the department and go over your next step. We will even try to complete all studies on the same day if it's possible and convenient for you.
How do I prepare for a mammogram?
On the day of the exam, do not wear deodorant, talcum powder or lotion under your arms or on your breasts. Describe any breast symptoms or problems you may have to the technologist performing the exam. If possible, obtain prior mammograms and make them available to the radiologist at the time of the current exam.
To schedule an appointment, please call Mat-Su Regional Medical Center at (907) 861-6677.
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