Inpatient Behavioral Health Services
Inpatient Behavioral Health Treatment in Palmer, AK
Call Mat-Su Regional Medical Center's behavioral health unit in Palmer, AK: (907) 861-6168
This line is monitored 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Not all medical conditions are physical. For mental health issues, Mat-Su Regional Medical Center offers inpatient psychiatric hospitalization with a range of treatment options to help provide for the needs of our community.
Resolving mental and emotional health challenges requires special care. At Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, we focus on helping individuals achieve optimal mental health in a warm, caring environment. We provide a range of behavioral health services for adults, including diagnostic evaluation, crisis stabilization, prevention and treatment.
The multidisciplinary care team includes:
- Psychiatrists
- Nurse practitioners
- Social workers
- Therapists
- Registered nurses
- Behavioral health technicians
- Activity coordinators
We offer individualized health care and resources for patients in a safe, supportive environment, and develop treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each person. The behavioral health team provides care through a variety of inpatient programs designed for adults age 18 and older.
Mat-Su Regional Medical Center's behavioral health unit is a 16-bed inpatient facility dedicated to helping those with acute behavioral health conditions. If you or a loved one is experiencing an escalation or worsening of mental health symptoms, please contact Mat-Su Regional Medical Center's behavioral health unit.
What to Expect
When you become a patient, the treatment team will do a thorough assessment to create an individualized treatment plan to address your current behavioral health needs. The average length of stay is 3-14 days. Your treatment will include individual, group and family therapy. We also offer medication management and case management services.
To learn more, please call Mat-Su Regional Medical Center's behavioral health unit, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Call: (907) 861-6168