Dear Fellow Mat-Su Resident, I am asking for your support to bring much needed inpatient behavioral health services to our hospital and the Mat-Su Borough. We are excited that on June 27, we submitted an application for a certificate of need to the State of Alaska to add 36 inpatient behavioral health beds for adult substance abuse and mental health services in the Mat-Su Borough. Currently, these services are non-existent in the Borough. In light of the alarming opioid epidemic and growing instances of... ... Read More
Oklahoma healthcare executive Dave Wallace began his role as CEO of Mat-Su Regional on June 5. Dave brings more than 20 years of experience in hospital leadership to his new position, including serving for seven years as CEO of AllianceHealth Woodward in Oklahoma. Dave previously served as chief operations officer at AllianceHealth Durant in Oklahoma, and as chief executive officer of Brown County Regional Healthcare in Georgetown, Ohio. Dave’s leadership experience encompasses both not-for-profit and f... ... Read More
Mat-Su Regional is in the planning phase of a significant hospital expansion that will take place over the next five years. This includes construction of a new medical office building on campus, finishing the hospital’s third floor with additional beds, adding behavioral health services, and expanding other services to allow the hospital to meet the needs of the Mat-Su Borough for years to come. I am pleased to announce that our hospital took a major step in achieving this goal on June 27 by submitting ... ... Read More