Your Stay
No one looks forward to a hospital stay, but at Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, we work hard to make sure your visit is as pleasant as possible. Here's a few things you should know about your room and the hospital in general that can help make your time with us restful and healing.
Hungry? Room need cleaning? Room too hot or too cold? TV need servicing? One number does it all. Call guest services for all your food and room service needs: ext. 5555
Mat-Su Regional Medical Center is a tobacco-free campus. Tobacco products, including vaping and e-cigarettes, are prohibited.
The cafeteria serves three in-room meals a day. For nutrition information or dietary concerns, please call (907) 861-6687.
Mail Service:
Mail, flowers and gifts are delivered to the main nurse's station. The nursing staff will then distribute these items to your room.
Notary Public:
If you need a notary, the nursing staff can request appropriate assistance from social services or the financial counselor. For more information please call, (907) 861-6691.