Natural Stress Relievers
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 40 million American adults are living with an anxiety disorder. If you struggle with social phobia, panic attacks, generalized anxiety or chronic stress, don't let daily worries put a damper on your enjoyment of life. Less than 40% of people suffering from anxiety seek help, though it's highly treatable.
Try the following strategies to help relieve stress in 10 minutes or less:
Don't skip breakfast. A U.K. study titled "The Cognitive Effects of Breakfast" reveals one more reason why breakfast is the most important meal of the day: It improves your ability to handle stress. People who ate breakfast experienced 89% less stress during a challenging situation than those who didn't eat.
Get connected. Relationships help us live longer, lower our risk for heart disease and boost our immunities. It doesn't matter if these are romantic partners, siblings or best friends. Social connection can reduce our chances of premature death by 50%. However, long-term, highly stressful lives can increase cortisol levels, which spike cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar and blood pressure.
Laugh. Cardiologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center found that laughter releases nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and prevents plaque buildup to improve cardiovascular function. Nitric oxide also eases inflammation.
Smell the essential oils. Laboratory research suggests certain aromas may slow down the activity of genes that become overactive when we're under stress. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy lists chamomile, lavender, neroli and sage as the most commonly used essential oils for scented stress relief. Eucalyptus has also been found to have anti-anxiety properties.
Steep for relief. Several studies have found drinking tea lowers the stress hormone cortisol, but it also can stave off depression and dementia—especially if you sip green tea. It also contains antioxidants and an amino acid called L-theanine. These ingredients, even when paired with caffeine, are thought to improve mood, alertness and cognition.
Take a breather. Spend at least 10 minutes each day practicing focused deep breathing. Slowing your breathing while concentrating on the physical sensation of breathing is an easy, effective way to reduce stress.
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